
Udham Singh, who went to London and took revenge for the Jallianwala massacre

 Udham Singh

Year of 1919. The day of barricades In Amritsar, Punjab, thousands of people gathered in a park. Under the Rowlett Act, the British had arrested Satya Pal and Saifuddin Kichloo of the Congress. People were protesting peacefully against the arrest of both of them. General Dyer threatened with his army there. And surrounded the whole garden He neither told the protesters to go and nor gave any warning. Dyer did just one thing. Order your army to firing.

Then started massacre The Englishmen carried donation pills on those innocent people. Many folks were killed in that firing. The only exit gate of the garden was closed by the British. People started climbing on the wall of the park to escape. Some jumped into the well to save some lives. All this was done by the whites of the whites. But there was a man from this incident, who was so angry that he decided to seize General Dyer. These were Sardar Udham Singh. Take a look at some issues related to Udham Singh's life.

1. From birth to orphanage

Sardar Udham Singh was born on December 26, 1899, in Sunam village in Sangrur district of Punjab. Dad Sardar Tehel Singh was a watchman in the Jammu village of Upli. Papa named Sher Singh. He had a brother too. Mukta Singh At the age of seven, Udham became orphaned. The first mother walked and her father 6 years later. After the death of parents, the two were kept in the central Khalsa orphanage in Amritsar.

There the people gave the new brother a new name. Sher Singh became Udham Singh and Mukhta Singh became a sadhu Singh. Sardar Udham Singh changed his name for the unity of Indian society and took Ram Mohammed Singh Azad. Which is a symbol of India's three major religions.

Sadhu died in the year 1917. In 1918 Udham passed the examination of matriculation. In 1919, he left the orphanage.

2. Jalianwala Bagh Kand and his affirmation

Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place on April 13, 1919 in front of Udham Singh. He had seen Dior's work with his eyes. They were witnesses, killing thousands of innocent Indians, who had been victims of bullets on the orders of General Dyer. Here, Udham Singh took the pledge to teach the lesson to General Dyer and the governor of the then Punjab, Michael O'Dwyer, through the soil of Jallianwala Bagh. After that he joined the revolutionaries

Sardar Udham Singh collected money from the revolutionaries and went out of the country. They traveled to South Africa, Zimbabwe, Brazil and America to collect a lot of money for the revolution. In the meantime, the big revolutionaries of the country kept giving their lives while fighting the British one by one. In such a situation, it was difficult to run a movement. But he kept working hard to fulfill his promise. Prior to Udham Singh's arrival in London, General Dyer died due to illness. In such a situation, he put his full attention to killing Michael O'Dwyer. And fulfilled it.

3. Fan of Bhagat Singh

Udham Singh was very much like Bhagat Singh Udham was very impressed by his work. He considered Bhagat Singh as his guru. In the year 1935 when he went to Kashmir Udham was seen with the portrait of Bhagat Singh. It was very good to sing these patriotic songs. Ram Prasad was also a fan of Bismil. After leaving for a few months in Kashmir, he went abroad.

4. Death of Dyer

Sardar Udham Singh was frustrated by the Jallianwala Bagh massacre. The target of this indignation was the Governor of Punjab at the time of the massacre, Michael Francis O'Dwyer. On March 13, 1940, there was a meeting of the Royal Central Asian Society at Caxton Hall in London. There Michael O'Dwyer was also one of the speakers. Udham Singh arrived there from that time on that day.

He had hidden his revolver in a thick book. Know how? They cut the pages of the book in the revolver's shape. And the boxes were made like. It has made them easier to hide arms. After the meeting, after taking the front from behind the wall, Udham Singh targeted Michael O'Dwyer. Two bullets took place, which promptly killed him. With this, Udham Singh completed his pledge. And sent a message to the world that the Indian heroes never left the tyrants.

Udham Singh did not try to escape from there and got arrested. They got sued. The court took muscle.

The judge questioned why he did not kill his friends besides O'Dwyer. Udham Singh replied that there were many women there. And it is sin to attack women in our culture.

After this Udham was given the title of Shaheed-e-Azam, who got Sardar Bhagat Singh after martyrdom.

5. The story of dying

Udham Singh was convicted of murder on June 4, 1940. He was hanged on 31 July 1940 in the Pantanville prison. In this way Udham Singh immortalized in the history of India's freedom fight. In 1974, the British handed over their relics to India. The work that Sardar Udham Singh had done for the British to enter the British house, was praised everywhere. Even Jawaharlal Nehru also praised it. Nehru said that sorry for the murder of Michael O'Dwyer, but it was also extremely important. Which made revolutionary activities abruptly within the country.

The story of this great change of Sardar Udham Singh gave inspiration to the agitators. After all the events are known to all. The British had to leave the country within 7 years and our country became free. Udham Singh could live, but independence could not breathe in India, but by staying in the hearts of millions of Indians, they must be feeling the freedom.

This story is written by Jagadiik.

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